
Can my boss cancel my flight home?

Hi everyone! I'm a defense contractor for a mid tier firm in Kuwait. Recently my work environment has become hostile and so I decided to take an offer with a different firm. I submitted 2 months notice which is customary for my line of work outside the US. I spoke to my night shift manager about my frustrations regarding my work environment, how I felt unappreciated and that my coworkers were assassinating my character behind my back,to the other managers. He was sympathetic and asked what I would like to do. I told him since we were only working two days the week after next, and my flight home was on the 29th, I'd like to vacation out those days and take a trip somewhere to decompress before I left for good. He thought that was a good idea. I also shared my concern that the other managers would give…

Hi everyone! I'm a defense contractor for a mid tier firm in Kuwait. Recently my work environment has become hostile and so I decided to take an offer with a different firm. I submitted 2 months notice which is customary for my line of work outside the US. I spoke to my night shift manager about my frustrations regarding my work environment, how I felt unappreciated and that my coworkers were assassinating my character behind my back,to the other managers. He was sympathetic and asked what I would like to do.

I told him since we were only working two days the week after next, and my flight home was on the 29th, I'd like to vacation out those days and take a trip somewhere to decompress before I left for good. He thought that was a good idea. I also shared my concern that the other managers would give me a hard time about it, and asked if I could simply submit my vacation to him. He replied that since the day shift manager was technically my direct superior I needed to ask him, but that if they gave me a hard time, he would step in and fight for me.

I called my day shift manager and he didn't seem to have an issue with it. He said he needed to call his boss and ask him. Afterwards the site supervisor called my night shift manager and they were talking. It was evident that the site supervisor was not happy with my request and was gaming out his options to intimidate me into staying those two days.

Finally, my night manager got off the call and told me my request was approved, but that I was right to be concerned. It turns out my site supervisor had suggested canceling my flight home in retaliation for my request to vacation out. I've been told this is illegal, and I don't know what their approach will be when I return to work tommorow.

It sucks because I gave my all to this program and honestly just feel like a piece of disposable meat to these people, which makes me angry.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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