
Can my employer threaten to withhold wages? What can I do legally to protect myself?

Based in Wisconsin. Last week I turned in my time sheet later than I intended. I do not have a history of turning in timesheets late and have only done so twice in the 2 years I have been employed with this company. My supervisor threatened to withhold wages from me due to missing the deadline to turn them in, apparently it was not late enough to cause me to miss the pay period. I still got paid, however I informed my employer of the law regarding timesheets and pay. That same week my supervisor decided to cancel my performance review without warning. Her reasoning was that I had not filled out the review properly (I turned it 2 days before our review was scheduled, why didn't she inform me then?) Instead of having a review she chewed me out for 30 minutes for “not taking accountability” for turning in…

Based in Wisconsin. Last week I turned in my time sheet later than I intended. I do not have a history of turning in timesheets late and have only done so twice in the 2 years I have been employed with this company. My supervisor threatened to withhold wages from me due to missing the deadline to turn them in, apparently it was not late enough to cause me to miss the pay period. I still got paid, however I informed my employer of the law regarding timesheets and pay. That same week my supervisor decided to cancel my performance review without warning. Her reasoning was that I had not filled out the review properly (I turned it 2 days before our review was scheduled, why didn't she inform me then?) Instead of having a review she chewed me out for 30 minutes for “not taking accountability” for turning in my timesheet late and said I needed to apologize to herself and payroll for causing them to miss their deadlines. She tried to gaslight me about withholding pay and claimed that she did not know wether it was legal or not. She also implied that she was considering firing me.

Frankly, I don't care anymore. This supervisor has been threatening to fire me for the entire 2 years I have been employed here. I think she is bluffing and wants to make the environment so intolerable that I choose to quit instead. I hate this job so much, I am ready to move on and find another. I have no intentions of quitting this job until I have another position offered to me.

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