
Can we (as a culture) stop pretending criminality is common?

People are basically good and have to reasom to horde resources. They tell us every day But People need a baseline of resources to be happy and healthy. But the people who want to hord wealth and play all day instead of contributing to humanity, have decided that no one can live comfortably. There must be a deep threatening hole to fall down into… should one refuse the participate in capitalism. That hole makes people desperate.

People are basically good and have to reasom to horde resources.
They tell us every day
People need a baseline of resources to be happy and healthy. But the people who want to hord wealth and play all day instead of contributing to humanity, have decided that no one can live comfortably. There must be a deep threatening hole to fall down into… should one refuse the participate in capitalism.
That hole makes people desperate.

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