
Can we stop normalising crap pay?

I get this subreddit is for something along these lines. When will the power of the people overcome the powers and influential figures with the money in this life? Why is that that working people are bad for going on strike? To say that Unions and such things are ruining work for the working class people? Now more than ever, the greed has become so much so that, low pay must be challenged. I don't believe in working for minimum wage. That ain't giving anyone any quality of life, only the purpose of working just to live, struggle on by. For those places out there paying minimum wage, it is their way of saying, we'd pay you less if we could!

I get this subreddit is for something along these lines. When will the power of the people overcome the powers and influential figures with the money in this life?

Why is that that working people are bad for going on strike? To say that Unions and such things are ruining work for the working class people?

Now more than ever, the greed has become so much so that, low pay must be challenged.

I don't believe in working for minimum wage. That ain't giving anyone any quality of life, only the purpose of working just to live, struggle on by.

For those places out there paying minimum wage, it is their way of saying, we'd pay you less if we could!

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