
Can we talk about Big Tech layoffs for a sec?

Can we talk about the media's treatment of Big Tech layoffs in the past couple of months? A few things: 1) Big Tech's layoffs have not really affected other sectors – they've been confined to a few companies in a specific (or I guess one could say “elite”) part of the market. Which suggests that these companies engineered this “crisis”; it's not a reflection of the overall economy or state of the labor market. 2) Can we all acknowledge that layoffs at all companies are essentially the same? It sucks for the worker and it's viewed as a cost cutting measure for the employer. That is the basic summary whether it's happening at Google or Chick-fil-a. And I can guess that if a VP at the latter company were getting a pink slip, a sympathizer with someone in the same position in Silicon Valley would call that “a natural consequence…

Can we talk about the media's treatment of Big Tech layoffs in the past couple of months? A few things:

1) Big Tech's layoffs have not really affected other sectors – they've been confined to a few companies in a specific (or I guess one could say “elite”) part of the market. Which suggests that these companies engineered this “crisis”; it's not a reflection of the overall economy or state of the labor market.

2) Can we all acknowledge that layoffs at all companies are essentially the same? It sucks for the worker and it's viewed as a cost cutting measure for the employer. That is the basic summary whether it's happening at Google or Chick-fil-a. And I can guess that if a VP at the latter company were getting a pink slip, a sympathizer with someone in the same position in Silicon Valley would call that “a natural consequence of their far-right agenda.”

3) Can I ask why media outlets are over-focusing on tech workers' *feelings* about being laid off? Here is a paraphrased headline from one such article: “Google worker laid off while on vacation says it made her feel like her company didn't value her.” Yeah, it sucks. Not news. Why are the feelings of former Google workers more important than those of workers in other sectors, as indicated by obsessive journalistic coverage of them?

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