
Can your job make you stay on an unscheduled day?

My boyfriend just went to work, apparently he wasn’t on the schedule for today. He said they kept him and gave him more sections than he’s had to do on his own before, he just started not long ago. Can they made him stay on an unscheduled day? This can’t be right, right? My bad if this isn’t allowed, I’m just not sure where else to post without hearing a ton of kiss ass to the employer LOL

My boyfriend just went to work, apparently he wasn’t on the schedule for today. He said they kept him and gave him more sections than he’s had to do on his own before, he just started not long ago. Can they made him stay on an unscheduled day? This can’t be right, right?

My bad if this isn’t allowed, I’m just not sure where else to post without hearing a ton of kiss ass to the employer LOL

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