
can’t even land min wage job

Just kind of ranting and open to any advice. Been extremely depressed the past month because I had to quit my job because of back problems. My last job was VERY physically demanding and specifically hard on the lower back. I have multiple buldging discs that flare up and are debilitating. I have an associates in communications (was planning on university, but it didn't work out), have about 7 years retail experience. I've been trying to get a job that's less physically demanding, but I'm not getting hired. I've had many interviews, but just get ghosted. I'm feeling hopeless. It's not even like I'm applying to good paying jobs at this point. I'm applying to jobs that sound HORRIBLE. Absolutely no luck. I'm not even sure if I can apply for unemployment since I had to quit, and I can't get thru to unemployment because the line is so busy…

Just kind of ranting and open to any advice. Been extremely depressed the past month because I had to quit my job because of back problems. My last job was VERY physically demanding and specifically hard on the lower back. I have multiple buldging discs that flare up and are debilitating. I have an associates in communications (was planning on university, but it didn't work out), have about 7 years retail experience. I've been trying to get a job that's less physically demanding, but I'm not getting hired. I've had many interviews, but just get ghosted. I'm feeling hopeless. It's not even like I'm applying to good paying jobs at this point. I'm applying to jobs that sound HORRIBLE. Absolutely no luck. I'm not even sure if I can apply for unemployment since I had to quit, and I can't get thru to unemployment because the line is so busy it just disconnects the call instead of putting me on hold. I am legitimately so hopeless.

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