
Can’t stand it!

I work as the purchasing manager for a school district. Many people are retiring, thus bringing in a new younger workforce. I will probably retire in 5-7 years. What I'm dealing with now is office etiquette. It was instilled in me years ago to NEVER discuss politics or wages – EVER – to anyone. This new younger generation, within one day, never fails to push their politics on me trying to get a response (not their business, it's mine) or flat out asking me how much a purchasing manager makes. They are book smart but not couth. I re-enforce that it is not customary to ask or say these things and go about my day. However, this week and it's only Wednesday, we have 3 new hires in the district. Seriously I cannot take this much longer. Shut up, show up and do your job. Yes, we'll joke and laugh…

I work as the purchasing manager for a school district. Many people are retiring, thus bringing in a new younger workforce. I will probably retire in 5-7 years. What I'm dealing with now is office etiquette. It was instilled in me years ago to NEVER discuss politics or wages – EVER – to anyone. This new younger generation, within one day, never fails to push their politics on me trying to get a response (not their business, it's mine) or flat out asking me how much a purchasing manager makes. They are book smart but not couth. I re-enforce that it is not customary to ask or say these things and go about my day. However, this week and it's only Wednesday, we have 3 new hires in the district. Seriously I cannot take this much longer. Shut up, show up and do your job. Yes, we'll joke and laugh about things but do not engage me in these other categories. WTF are they actually teaching in colleges? They cross my boundaries pretty much hourly.

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