
Capitalism is going to kill me

Ive always struggled with depression and anxiety since i was a little kid and i'm honestly not a very high functioning person because of that. Basically have constant suicidal ideation and can never really focus or take anything in because of it. If i didn't have my parents allowing me to live with them i probably wouldn't be here now or would be homeless. I've tried everything to get better and it's been a 10 year battle of meds, therapy, and hospital visits but i don't know if i'll ever be able to function enough to support myself when i can barely get out of bed. I just really don't know what to do haha! I guess i'm writing this because i'm scared. It only really seems like things are getting worse in terms of affordability and quality of life. I just don't get why everyone seems to be okay…

Ive always struggled with depression and anxiety since i was a little kid and i'm honestly not a very high functioning person because of that. Basically have constant suicidal ideation and can never really focus or take anything in because of it. If i didn't have my parents allowing me to live with them i probably wouldn't be here now or would be homeless. I've tried everything to get better and it's been a 10 year battle of meds, therapy, and hospital visits but i don't know if i'll ever be able to function enough to support myself when i can barely get out of bed. I just really don't know what to do haha! I guess i'm writing this because i'm scared. It only really seems like things are getting worse in terms of affordability and quality of life. I just don't get why everyone seems to be okay living like this. What's the the point? work until you're dead. The system is failing everyone.

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