
capitalism is soul crushing

Rant So in the quarter of a century I've been alive: Edit typo I've witnessed 2 economic collapses seen companies experience record profits seen oligarchs/companies/government become so intertwined they are basically one and the same -nearly missed out on medical debt lost all my savings twice due to house, food & medical costs witness friends falling pray to medical debt and school debt been homeless (not chronic, just a winter in an airbnb, but still) and contracted a deadly virus I'm so burnt out. They keep pushing the working class for more. I haven nothing left to give.


So in the quarter of a century I've been alive:

Edit typo

  • I've witnessed 2 economic collapses
  • seen companies experience record profits
  • seen oligarchs/companies/government become so intertwined they are basically one and the same

-nearly missed out on medical debt

  • lost all my savings twice due to house, food & medical costs

  • witness friends falling pray to medical debt and school debt

  • been homeless (not chronic, just a winter in an airbnb, but still)

  • and contracted a deadly virus

I'm so burnt out. They keep pushing the working class for more. I haven nothing left to give.

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