
Carpe Diem

To the readers of r/antiwork: You are being manipulated by subversive anti-American forces that want you to believe that capitalism and western culture is evil. Yes, some capitalists are self serving and unscrupulous. But this has been true since the founding of our country – nothing new here. The vast majority of free enterprise employers in America provide well for their employees. Your employer is not your enemy. Your real enemy is fear and your own self doubt. If an employer takes advantage of you, leave and go elsewhere or start your own business – carpe diem. Think for yourself. Don’t be a lemming and follow your half-thinking brethren off a cliff.

To the readers of r/antiwork:

You are being manipulated by subversive anti-American forces that want you to believe that capitalism and western culture is evil. Yes, some capitalists are self serving and unscrupulous. But this has been true since the founding of our country – nothing new here. The vast majority of free enterprise employers in America provide well for their employees.

Your employer is not your enemy. Your real enemy is fear and your own self doubt. If an employer takes advantage of you, leave and go elsewhere or start your own business – carpe diem.

Think for yourself. Don’t be a lemming and follow your half-thinking brethren off a cliff.

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