
Why hasn’t anybody started a website where people can share their salaries and company name anonomously?

Wouldn't this give people a tremendous amount of leverage in terms of negotiating a liveable salary/wage?


But They Can’t Afford To Do So!!!


You’re a lot closer to them than you are to a billionaire.


Do you apply to multiple job categories from the same company?

If one company needs multiple positions such as both data entry and customer service, are you supposed to try and get the second job if you don't get the first?


Supervisor tells me I’m not working hard enough

My new supervisor who is barely in the office told our team that our understaffed engineering department is not meeting deadlines. Here's the kicker though… I don't even know what the deadlines are and neither does anyone else. We haven't seen an updated schedule for months so of course we don't meet his hidden goals and targets. I mean, why would you tell employees what you expect from them and when you expect it done, right? Idk what this guy was thinking lol. He basically singles me out despite the fact that I've been working on a completely different project that he's supposed to oversee yet never does. He doesn't come to my meetings or review my drawings, but somehow pretends to know what I'm doing and “knows” I'm slacking off???? I take pride in my work and I'll be damned if I let myself be walked over like that…


Would CEOs and Athletes and Celebrities Still Love Their Job If They Made Under Six Figures?

I wonder if CEOs and celebrities and any job making over six figures would still love it if they made under six figures?


Three Roommates or Four Jobs Needed to Afford a Two-Bedroom Rental on Minimum Wage


My experience working as a court clerk, where you would think management would be concerned about employment laws

I worked as a court clerk for several years in a city with a large caseload. We had a lot of transitions during the Covid-19 pandemic and our staff was placed on a skeleton crew, with half the team at the office and half the team at home – then the teams would switch. During Covid-19, I was told several times by management to not report my overtime hours because if I’m working from home then I most certainly wasn’t working my full 40 hours. Bullshit. I had an increased workload during Covid-19 and they didn’t want to compensate me for it. There was a fast turnover among lower staff at the courts and the shortage of people made you feel like you could never be sick. I would sit-in on all the court proceedings of that day, which could be a calendar of over 150 criminal defendants. I would…


How I got robbed of my Intellectual Property while working for Z2 Comics

I'm a comic book colorist. In our industry, legally speaking, all the artists are co-authors – the writers, illustrators, and colorists all have the same rights to the work they produce. Typically, all of these artists sign work-for-hire contracts, which transfers all those rights to the publishers. This is how Marvel and DC make $$$$ off of their IP without having to payout royalties to large teams of creators. Contracts are the only way to transfer legal ownership of these kinds of IP rights. You cannot hand-shake IP, you can't sell it over the phone, it's not recognized until it's on paper. When I started working for Z2 comics, they explained to me that they weren't holding any of the rights to their books – their business model was simply acting as publisher, not a catalogue of IP. And, sure enough, book after book that I worked on, they did…


My nephew is learning the joys of working with other people. He’s 11