
Another one of these to make you feel good about your job.


They need more mindless slaves to worship their corporate masters.


I wonder how much truth exists in the recent rash of pro work “ Scientific studies”

Kind of just the title. I’m curious how much truth there actually is in those “why it’s better to work from the office vs. working from home” / “why commuting is actually good for you” studies. I expect it’s very little, but I can totally see the real foundation, all the BS is built upon.


I guess I’ll just die then.


Unions WORK


Please, tell me more…


What would it take for y’all to unionize your workplace?

I have been thinking about it at my job for a year, but I’m not sure if I wanna be the one to do it. I have a good workplace and everything but I still think having one could be good for people in the future. If you’re in one, was it hard? What do you like about it? Dislike? Etc. thank you 🙂


Feel like I’m getting jerked around

So I work for a company that’s in another state. I am currently on furlough until June or so. I initially applied for unemployment with the state the company is based in but didn’t know I had to file with my home state. So I applied for it here and I’m approved. However my company hasn’t gotten back with my state and I called and the state said they sent info to my company. What gives? Bills are piling up and I feel like I’m getting nowhere.


How many of you play video games/spend a lot of time staring at screens? How many of you have done this since you were children?

I'm genuinely curious! I'm writing a paper on the rise of technology and it's correlation with young people being unable to focus on anything that doesn't fire up their dopamine receptors. AKA work.. Thank you in advance for your replies. I'm sure they will be mature, introspective, and full of self-awareness.


Am I crazy or did my coworker give me a backhanded comment

My coworker talked to my boss’s boss and told him that I need “more guidance for my role” and that I’m “very green.” She said that she wanted to let me know because she “didn’t want me to be set up for anything but success.” Idk I was taken aback and annoyed when she told me. It just feels like she thinks I don’t know how to do my job? I mean like yes I did just got of school recently, but I’m a year into my job and I feel like I’ve got it down. And in my 1 on 1’s with my boss he hasn’t said anything but good things about how I’m doing. Idk more just ranting because I’m annoyed lol. She’s also one to talk about not being able to do her job when she’s been called to HR at least twice for yelling/belittling other employees