Category: Antiwork
The Family Values Party
I've always been tip-toeing around out because of some invisible fear of being “exposed” for dealing with interest. It's almost been built up as the sort of boogie man in my mind. I want to face it head first. As an adult in my mid-20's I'm setting my foot down and realizing how foolish my avoidance was. I've been living with a religious family my whole life and I'm personally an agnostic atheist. Because of the beliefs of my family, there was always this fear around interest and I've avoided it out of fear of “being exposed” for doing anything related to interest. There's always situations that happen in life especially come tax time and I figured that there might be times where I need to share financial situations or issues that I'm experiencing and I think in the back of my mind I was always worried that I would…
Would love your feedback.
I have been in my position for 7 months and have steadily improved in performance during that time. I have had a couple of informal conversations with my coworker (who is also informally my acting “supervisor”) about mistakes that I’ve made throughout the training/learning process. After a chat last week I followed up with an email asking for clear guidelines for how my performance would be evaluated moving forward and what kind of timeline would I be on for the next (informal) review. She ignored the questions and followed up with a phone call last night. The job is inherently rife with opportunities for human error (TONS of tiny details and tons of distractions all day long) and I have been told repeatedly that mistakes can and will happen and that I shouldn’t worry so much about making them. My “supervisor” makes the very same mistakes that I make (though…
So before I text this out just bear with me if this isn't the easiest to read. I have a bit of hard time translating thought to text and I might add in extra details or leave our crucial things but if you ask in the comments I will elaborate. So I'm a manager at a fast food place, I used to work closes but recently they moved me to late evenings because labor costs which is whatever, it sucks but I adapted pretty quickly which I usually don't do as quickly but to the topic at hand. There's 2 other night managers that work with me that are really close friends of mine and the other coworkers are my close friends as well. Anyway the deal is I close the two days they aren't there because the two I'm friends with are nigh inseparable. But this week I had…
Injury advice
I NEED HELP. I got injured at work a few weeks ago and got a work clearance certificate that lasts me until the 3rd of Feb from my doctor. It said that I was cleared for light duties only and as the roster had already been made up for the week following, I was able to work my normal shifts but shorter hours. This week, I don't get rostered on so I ask my manager why that is. He tells me that he's not going to roster me on for a few weeks until I've completely healed because he needs someone at 100%. Fair enough. I let WorkCover know that I've been removed from the roster for a few weeks and confirmed that my manager said I needed to be 100% and there are no duties that I can attend to until I'm at that capacity. WorkCover says that they…
I’ll be speaking to an attorney tomorrow
Don't be like me and stand up for your health and rights before it gets this far. I had COVID and followed the work 'policy'. I showed up for my first day back on Monday. I told my boss I'm still feeling some of the residuals and need to take it a little easier. She says okay and I get bombarded with stuff about how my clients are pissed because the accounts I was working (that I asked for help with) didn't get anything done and that my morning is full. I pass out at this point and come to on the ground with everybody there. They get me water, I'm still seeing double and mention it. My boss just gets my work stuff out and takes it to my desk for me to 'help out'. It takes me a good ten minutes before I'm able to get up and…
HR’s “January present” to all employees
I was hoping I would never have any content to post here, but after having a team meeting and seeing everyone, including myself, receive these “gifts” I couldn't help myself. My warehouse job has us working three 12 hour shifts 1 week, then 4 twelve hour shifts the next week. This pattern alternates on a week by week basis. However, for the past 2 weeks we've been expected and required to work an additional 12 hour shift. At our meeting today (shift supervisor and all warehouse workers on shift) we were told that the mandatory overtime would be extended until the end of February. If you miss one of these overtime days, which is scheduled outside of your previously agreed upon schedule, then you will receive an attendance point. Yes, a point based attendance system in a warehouse environment, strange I know. Anyways, the duck and hot cocoa was so…