Category: Antiwork
Calling out from work..
Whether I do have a valid excuse or not I have this weird feeling like they're gonna question me. Do employers have any right to know in detail??? Maybe it's just my paranoia….I fucking hate this job btw. I rather be dumpster diving than working at this place
WOAH 🥚 on or what?! Penny for your thoughts… #nhl
So I had a talk with my boss
I asked for a raise. I was level headed and I brought evidence that people in my field get paid $24 per hour…. I get paid $18. I said I would take $21 an hour. Just to bridge the gap. My general manager said she would bring it to the owner but said I already got a raise of $.50 about 3 months ago. I said that was not adequate. I said I took this job because I needed to and I didn’t have a good position at bargaining because my former boss was sexually harassing his employees and I wanted to get out. I wanted to work with their company. She told me, “if that was the case I wouldn’t have hired you in the first place.” So, later in the day the owner brings me in to his office. Here are the highlights: • I’m a Transman, he…
Interview for nothing
I've worked in security for almost a year and a half now as a normal security guard. I felt like I was the best at it. Never called in always came in on time and even picked up a bunch of extra shifts. One of my managers who is leaving for a better high-paying job recommended me for her position. She started grooming me to become the next FTO/lead. Letting me train people conducting orientation, helping the newer hires doing managerial stuff. Because at that time I was the only one capable and had the drive to do it everybody on the shift of 13 people was rooting for me and wanted me to become the newest FTO I haven't had a negative review from anybody I was well liked by everybody. So I wrote up my memo and sent in my updated resume to the GM letting him know…