Category: Antiwork
Why does this have “summer camp” vibes
Can I fight this? Roads are flooded where I live and I physically can’t make it to the office. 80% of my day today is zoom calls so I was hoping it would be alright to work from home. Nope. Boss sent a blast email to the department calling me out for not showing up and demanding I take paid time off today. I don’t want to let my team down by not pulling my weight, but if you’re requesting I use my vacation time on a day I’m working, what’s the incentive to be productive?
Gone up in smoke
Hi from Europe fellas. So, I tend to see soooo many Americans mention how they're making 60-70-80-100k dollars a year individually, which is absolutely insane to me. I'm in France and most of us make 25 000 – 40 000 euros a year (40k is already in the top 20% in terms of income in the country, I shit you not). In fact A LOT of people only make something like 20k a year. Many Frenchmen will probably be able to confirm what I'm talking about if some of them end up reading my post. So ok, you guys earn super huge wages, fine, it's kinda what America is famous for in the first place: the money. What I DON'T understand, is why your super high salaries don't allow you to buy more expensive houses than that? For example: Apparently if you make 70k a year, you can “only”…
Adult life sounds horrid!
I’m an adult by number standards (20) but I have little to no education so I haven’t gotten my foot into the job market yet, and all I’m told is that it sounds ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE Mom telling me like crippling depression isn’t an excuse to take days off, telling me that even if you’re sick you have to go. It sounds like a fucking horror movie! Having to work and keep up a smile when you feel the worst you ever have sounds like hell!
I’m about to type one of from a “supervisor” of mine, who also is a good friend and former coworker, and really want to hit it home. As educators we’ve been through hell, anything I put on the paper will be mostly true.
I took a stand at work today.
My work asks the cashiers to stock when they aren't helping a customer and today I refused to do so until I saw it in my official job description and list of duties which they couldn't verify it was in there. Once I get it I will have either won or lost this battle. If it is in my list of duties then there's nothing I can do. If it isn't then they can kiss my a. I brought up the argument that I don't want to do work for my pay when others do it for more pay. My boss's reasoning was that the stockers do a lot more than stock shelves. Unfortunately for her, she seems to have forgotten that I started as a stocker in the first place and had to change to cashier because of an ankle surgery (doctor's note didn't do s* for me. Still…