
This was sent out after cashiers complained that me and my team made $140 in tips and they didn’t get any


Pete Seeger’s Talking Union, as powerful as it was when it first came out.


The New “Rules” The New Owner of the store set for employee meals.The Last Part really eerks me


[Eat the Rich] Rolls-Royce sees record sales in 2022, no slowdown in spending by the wealthy


and salaried…


I realize this comes from an anime sub, but it’s worth noting the protagonist is opposed to the government they are subjected to. Given the world today, I thought this quote might ring true or speak to a lot of us.


My customer service job refused to let us go home when raw sewage kept leaking into the employees-only area in the back of the store.

Excuse the rant, but I just left work early because of the work conditions my coworkers and I just experienced. To say that I’m rattled would be an understatement. I work in a well-known grocery store that is known for “treating its employees well” and “organic, natural food”… you can probably deduce the one I am talking about. To understand the context, you have to understand the layout of the building. We have three restrooms total in our store. There’s one in the employee area, which includes our break room, our fridge/freezer, and pallets with produce & dried/shelf-stable goods… you get the gist. The other two bathrooms are accessible to customers, and occasionally employees use them if there’s a line for our bathroom. With that being said, here’s the story. I clocked in today at 3 pm and was supposed to be working until 11 pm. When I walked in,…


My local hardware store:


Nick’s Ice Cream spitting mad facts


I could write a novel about just stupid/crazy things customers say

I don't work in the restaurant industry anymore (thank god!), but I still work in customer service. And we absolutely get those insane things customers say. My coworkers and I were going on about our customers (no customers around) and one lady complained about the fact we have “too many broken crayons”. One of the employees apparently talked to a kindergarten teacher afterward and said teacher purposely breaks the crayons halfway through the year because it apparently helps with their fine motor skills. lol I don't know if that's really true, but the next time I hear a complaint about broken crayons, I might just use that as my excuse. lol