Category: Antiwork
If you live in Oregon, know your rights
Yeah I’m not going to be In
What is the point of an exit interview?
I'm preparing to leave my current job (software engineer) for a variety of reasons – below-market pay, professional stagnation, etc. Other engineers that have left the company have been asked to give an exit interview, so I fully expect it as well. I've been told that there's no real point to it, and using it as a place to air my grievances can have adverse effects on my future employment opportunities. What are your takes on it? Worth the time? Should I just skip it if asked? Use it to explain why I'm leaving? Genuinely curious.
How to quiet quit effectively
Marketing Graduate who hates businesses
I recently graduated from university after studying Marketing and I slowly realised during the course that I hate business and most of them are just soulless money-grabbing profiteers. I know this is not particularly an epiphany for this subreddit but it kind of was for me. Studying Marketing really tainted my views of business because I had previously studied Psychology and was ignorant to the business world. I currently work a minimum wage job at one of these businesses and I heard a discussion in the locker room yesterday discussing a new initiative being planned which will increase the workload for staff and is highly impractical. One of them said “those people just come straight from university and go to head office. They have no idea what it's like working here. They should work here for a month to understand” and I agree. I am one of these people who…
This colleague specializes in an area all of us are supposed to cover as well. Naturally, we cover less than him as we have our own things to do too. They try to dominate and act as a pseudo manager, the manager is bad at coordinating people. Everytime I ask a question, they refer me to the supid written documentation. For the life of me, I have read those. Those are just shortly explained policies which do not explain the technical questions or a lot of nuances and gray areas. I hate their attitude. This results negatively in my job. Any advice?
Previous post was removed for sharing screenshots on the wrong day, my b. However there was a happy ending and I managed to hold my ground and keep my bonus. I'm still keeping an eye on my paycheck to reassure that they don't remove any of my wages, but otherwise everything has seemingly worked out after getting the owner involved. I did see a couple questions concerning how my wage was “decent” but not “liveable.” The simple response is that I live in California, and “decent but not liveable” is a very common trend here. Gas is almost $6 and renting a 2bed 2bath apartment can cost you between $2800 and $3600 depending on the area. As for the water issue, I mentioned that we don't have accessible water. Someone brought water and cups for a holiday party so I held back from contacting OSHA. I did this because I…