This thought comes from a practice I saw years ago working at a chemical plant. There were people who came to work drunk and/or high. Occasionally, a manager would demand a urine test, which entailed the employee would have to wait until a third-party company could send out a testing person and kit to perform it. If the employee refused and went home, management would call the police to report a potentially intoxicated driver. So basically, if a manager called you up for a urine test, you had to stay or deal with the police. Is this legal? It seems legal to me, though kind of dirty too. Edit: I can see why management did it. Almost the whole plant was explosive and if the place blew it would take out a portion of the neighborhood.
Category: Antiwork
I work retail, and the shelves at our store have such a thick layer of dust, it's really starting to bother me. It's not really a busy store so it makes sense that dust would start to accumulate. It's enough to make me sneeze/cough pretty often. I asked my boss if they wanted me to dust, she said we don't have a duster. I said that's fine I have one I could bring, she said don't bother. Alright. I've mentioned it a few times since, when we're closing or not busy. And my bosses don't just tell me I don't have to dust- they tell me I am not to dust. The reasons given are that I have other tasks to do but we're really not a busy store at all, there are long periods of time where there is literally nothing to do. I just don't get why I'm…
#Billionaires are labeled “philanthropists” by a dominant culture established by their own powerful tools to hide the fact that they pay less and less taxes. At the same time, they grab huge amounts of public wealth making the working class weaker and poorer.— failedevolution (@failedevolution) December 17, 2022
Watching Sports on the clock.
This World Cup had made my cube job way more enjoying knowing I’m getting paid while basically watching soccer. May have to start watching random/obscure sports on the clock anyone have any suggestions?
Quick Tips/Sayings About The Workplace
I’m trying to come up with some short sayings/quick tips about the workplace that are quirky yet real. For example: HR is not your friend. Silence isn’t golden, it’s green. (severance) What are some others that you can think of?
Worried about unprofessional feedback
Hi all. First post in this subreddit. I originally posted on r/jobs but I think this is better suited here. I work as an account manager, facilitating operational requests as well as managing client relationships. My team has had an exceptional year with regards the workload we have had to endure, for various worthy reasons. I have a client who I have not been as responsive to as I would like, because my workload has been large the past few months. However I have not been negligent and I have carried out the supportive operational tasks this client requires. I also have gone above and beyond to facilitate something that my organisation historically is not able to – no risk to me from this, just some effort that I was willing to explore. After some persistent chasing by this client to several members of my team, I felt the need…