I picked up my 17 year old child at work tonight. She said the cash register was short tonight. She said it had been short a lot recently. So I asked, “How do they deal with that?” She said, “They take our tips”. I think we'll have a talk with the manager.
Category: Antiwork
I have no clue, but she aggressively picked my ticket for a sick day I did not get paid for last month. We sorted it, but she got all sharp with me and called me raising the issue “drama”, to everyone's astonishment. All throughout she insisted I was wrong and said to “not lay blame, especially if you are not so sure of being correct”. I ended up being correct. Now I have taken two days of leave that no one told me required an explanation. My boss had approved those days and everything was fine. Now she is asking WHY I have taken that leave. I have no idea what drug she is doing, but it is causing some major excitement for her and becoming a little creepy. Like is she going to ask questions of my team lead and me every month now because she made an ass…
Thinking about when I quit in August.
In August I quit at McDonald's after working there for about 2 months. I scheduled a week off because I had a camping trip and then after that decided I was done and didn't show up. 2 days after I should have been back I texted my manager some bs about not being able to commute anymore and quitting. Right after I quit I got a new job somewhere I like working better. I just want to know if that is going to effect my future or not or will go on any sort of record besides McDonald's. Thanks
We are appreciated apparently
This was sent out to our district. Almost an entire month of associates getting their hours cut so severely that some are getting zero hours. Only managers getting hours after they used up a large portion of their PTO. The somewhat fortunate part time associates that didn’t use their PTO yet were able to supplement some of the hours missed but many have used their PTO and are getting $0 paychecks for this month. This is how they repay us. Not by giving us hours, but by letting us eat candy canes all day and taking a picture of us- (which on that day will be a total of 4 associates because that’s all that is scheduled that day. NOTE: None of the stuff is being provided.
Had to share:
A little background to start: I regretfully started working at this complete disaster of a company a few months ago. I have a decade of experience in my field and a huge track record of success. I've managed teams, built revenue engines, and backed it all up with data. Since I've been here, this company has been a mess. Micromanagement is rampant, unqualified people are running the company, we've already seen a huge layoff (including my boss), teams are too siloed, technology doesn't work, and half the people are incompetent (although my team is mostly great). Today a received a book in the mail from my CEO with a note asking me to read it. It was “written” by a former C-level consultant we're apparently working with (most likely ghost-written). The book basically equates to [My Field] for Dummies. I've literally helped ghost write a book that's an identical concept…