
Caught my boss in a lie, need advice

So I made a post either yesterday or the day before about this person, but more has happened since and I need some genuine advice. I recently had a pretty nasty sinus infection. I spiked a fever during it and had it for about 6 days. I worked one of those days while I was sick because my fever went down from the night before and I thought that I was over it. Well, turns out that that was a lie, thanks immune system. I spiked a fever that night and took the next two days off, one to go to the urgent care (I don't have a pcp rn) and the second because the doctor wanted to give me a day to rest and let my meds work. I got a doctor's note and everything, but my boss is continuing to refer to me being out sick as “days…

So I made a post either yesterday or the day before about this person, but more has happened since and I need some genuine advice. I recently had a pretty nasty sinus infection. I spiked a fever during it and had it for about 6 days. I worked one of those days while I was sick because my fever went down from the night before and I thought that I was over it. Well, turns out that that was a lie, thanks immune system. I spiked a fever that night and took the next two days off, one to go to the urgent care (I don't have a pcp rn) and the second because the doctor wanted to give me a day to rest and let my meds work. I got a doctor's note and everything, but my boss is continuing to refer to me being out sick as “days off” and trying to skip out on giving me my days off this week to “catch up.”

So that is some context.

This morning she had let me know that she can't give me today off for my *court date* because there was no one else to work, which is untrue but whatever. I understand that calling people in on their day off sucks. However, this is the second time she has denied me a “day off” when I was asking for a half-day, aka coming in late or leaving early. I had told her (latest was this past Thursday, earliest was the beginning of this month because I informed her twice) that all I needed was a half day to go to court and come back and that I cannot miss it. She said she was unaware of that because she hadn't seen my time-off request form. I ended up being able to make it on time to court and get everything handled, but upon coming back she had told me that all time-off request forms needed to be handed in to her personally, so she had them when she made the schedule. I complied and remade mine and handed it in to her and the first thing that she did was complain that I was requesting so many days off. I requested 5. One for the end of this month and four throughout the entire month of June (sister graduates high school, mom is running a charity event I am supposed to be at, family gathering, and my dad's birthday). She told me that a lot of people had also requested those days off so she wasn't sure if she could give them to me. I told her the days I absolutely needed off and she said that because of an event happening in the town we are located in, I may not get the days off. You need a minimum of three people to run the part of the business that I work in, and there are 6-7 people that are available to schedule that day instead of me. I just said okay and that was that, she left.

Once she was gone, I found the time-off request folder and looked through it to see who else had requested the same days as me because there are not that many people that work for this company (14 in total I believe). Come to find out, there are only two days where someone has the same day off request as me. The family gathering and the one day off that I have requested this month. Neither of the most important dates (graduation and charity event) were requested off, so my boss lied to me. My boyfriend is trying to get me to stand up for myself, but I don't know how to go about it. This boss is very disorganized, passive-aggressive, and can even verge on guilt trippy at times. I don't know how to go about this but I want to confront her on that because it feels like she is targeting me. She doesn't behave this way to my other coworkers that I know of. Maybe one other, and I want to call her out but I don't want her to yell at me. Pls help

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