
a coworker sexually harassed me and my job did nothing

as the title states, I had a coworker literally old enough to be my dad say something extremely inappropriate about my body. the only thing that my job did to punish him is suspend him for five days and then he has to go speak to a counselor one time about how what he said to me was inappropriate. I was told this in the same breath of how they take this type of thing very seriously. when HR confronted him about what he said to me, he told them we were friends and didn't mean to say that. he also said that he meant it as a compliment. this man has also done/said other inappropriate things to my other coworkers, including being inappropriate towards my other coworker's at the time 15 year old daughter. he has had to go through sexual harassment training twice at this point. we're tour…

as the title states, I had a coworker literally old enough to be my dad say something extremely inappropriate about my body. the only thing that my job did to punish him is suspend him for five days and then he has to go speak to a counselor one time about how what he said to me was inappropriate. I was told this in the same breath of how they take this type of thing very seriously. when HR confronted him about what he said to me, he told them we were friends and didn't mean to say that. he also said that he meant it as a compliment.

this man has also done/said other inappropriate things to my other coworkers, including being inappropriate towards my other coworker's at the time 15 year old daughter. he has had to go through sexual harassment training twice at this point.

we're tour guides at an extremely popular tourist attraction in my town. this man has been in the presence of children almost every day at work because we get a lot of school groups. my job thinks that he's a suitable person to be around kids.

I put my two weeks in because I refuse to work for a company who does nothing about blatant sexual harassment. the reason I'm making this post is because I want to do more to seek justice in this situation but I'm not sure how. what should I do?

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