
Change to PTO policy

My works PTO policy was that you can cash out unused PTO, but you have to retain 40 hours in the bank. As of 1/1, they’ve changed the policy to limit PTO buys to 100 hours/year. Their reasoning “we want people to spend more time with their family” I explained to the boss who covers the payroll people that even I can either take time off or cash out and have money to buy things, but not both and the whole concept was lost on him.

My works PTO policy was that you can cash out unused PTO, but you have to retain 40 hours in the bank.
As of 1/1, they’ve changed the policy to limit PTO buys to 100 hours/year.
Their reasoning “we want people to spend more time with their family”
I explained to the boss who covers the payroll people that even I can either take time off or cash out and have money to buy things, but not both and the whole concept was lost on him.

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