
Changes are happening rn.

I keep seeing posts about how hopeless everything is, how nothing will change. But we're looking right at change. Think about why r/antiwork was created, why “quiet quitting” has become a popularized term, why more people want WFH jobs, why we see news about how lazy Milennials and Gen Z are. Its because more people are becoming aware of the broken system and setting boundaries, refusing to be exploited any further. But the biggest change is that more people are joining unions and going on strikes, not just in the US but all over the world. This isnt new. Look at history. Workers create wealth and the capitalists exploit its workers. Workers rise up and gain power again, then cycle repeats. French revolution, labor movements during industrialization revolution, and more. Here is an example. This what happened during The Great Depression, when the unemployment was ~25% in the US. Millions…

I keep seeing posts about how hopeless everything is, how nothing will change. But we're looking right at change.

Think about why r/antiwork was created, why “quiet quitting” has become a popularized term, why more people want WFH jobs, why we see news about how lazy Milennials and Gen Z are.

Its because more people are becoming aware of the broken system and setting boundaries, refusing to be exploited any further. But the biggest change is that more people are joining unions and going on strikes, not just in the US but all over the world.

This isnt new. Look at history. Workers create wealth and the capitalists exploit its workers. Workers rise up and gain power again, then cycle repeats. French revolution, labor movements during industrialization revolution, and more.

Here is an example. This what happened during The Great Depression, when the unemployment was ~25% in the US. Millions of workers joined union and said to the rich, we will go on with or w/o you. As a result, FDR was able to create minimum wage, SSI, unemployment, and other safety net programs, and tax the richest by 94% during one of the worst economic downturn.

Changes are happening. Not as fast as we want it to be, but it will be if we all do our parts.

I really recommend Richard Wolff's lecture, just 10 min but less if you speed it up. From 25:00 to 36:00!! if you're interested in the history. Posted the link in the comment

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