
Cheap ass companies should invest in LOUDER PHONES!!!!

A wealthy ass company left a voice message saying they want to set up a phone interview. I CAN BARELY FUCKING HEAR THEM!!!! What? If the company gets a new phone then the fat, bacontits, diabetic CEO has to skip out on a few cheeseburgers or he won't be able to afford another yacht? Seriously man, these fuckers really want you to shove the phone in your fucking ear with all your fucking strength just for the chance of a fucking job? Again, FUCK CAPITALISM.

A wealthy ass company left a voice message saying they want to set up a phone interview. I CAN BARELY FUCKING HEAR THEM!!!! What? If the company gets a new phone then the fat, bacontits, diabetic CEO has to skip out on a few cheeseburgers or he won't be able to afford another yacht? Seriously man, these fuckers really want you to shove the phone in your fucking ear with all your fucking strength just for the chance of a fucking job? Again, FUCK CAPITALISM.

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