
Chewed out over saying “anyway” on the phone—now looking for a new job.

For context I’m a pharmacy tech (22F) and have been working at this pharmacy for nearly 4 years since I was 18. This happened two days ago. I saw that a doctor sent in a medication for a child that was really expensive and we didn’t have it in stock, so I called the phone number on the prescription and the mother picked up. It’s not a common medication, and the cash price for a one month supply said over $4,000, so I wanted to call to inform the family. Me: Hey I noticed your doctor sent in a prescription for your son and I just wanted to let you know it’s really expensive and we don’t have it, would you like me to call the doctor and ask for something else? Mother: Why are you leading with the price? I was confused so I said: I’m sorry? Mom: So…

For context I’m a pharmacy tech (22F) and have been working at this pharmacy for nearly 4 years since I was 18. This happened two days ago.

I saw that a doctor sent in a medication for a child that was really expensive and we didn’t have it in stock, so I called the phone number on the prescription and the mother picked up. It’s not a common medication, and the cash price for a one month supply said over $4,000, so I wanted to call to inform the family.

Me: Hey I noticed your doctor sent in a prescription for your son and I just wanted to let you know it’s really expensive and we don’t have it, would you like me to call the doctor and ask for something else?

Mother: Why are you leading with the price?

I was confused so I said: I’m sorry?

Mom: So you’re not going to get my son’s medication ready because YOU think it’s expensive?

Me: Ma’am its $4k and not covered by insurance so I wanted to ask

Mother: So you don’t give people their meds if it’s expensive?

Me: No we can order it I just wanted your permission.

Mother: Yes he needs it, there’s nothing else we can give him. It’s just weird you decided to lead with the price instead of anything else.

Me: Okay… well anyway I’ll go ahead—

She cut me off and MOCKED me and said “AnYwAyS” back to me in a real nasty tone.
And I just continued: So we have to send a prior authorization to your doctor I’ll go ahead and do that.

Mother: Fine.

I was so angry I didn’t even say goodbye and I hung up. She calls back a minute later to complain to one of my managers, after which he calls me into the immunization room to talk. He tells me “you need to be careful what you say, she was upset and crying and her son is dying.” 1. I had no idea her son was dying, and 2. Every time I tried to explain myself he interrupted me and he said that she didn’t like that I used the word “anyway” and I need to be more careful. She felt like I was dismissing her son’s life. I didn’t even say it in a rude tone I was extremely chipper in my customer service voice. He told me “you don’t know what she’s going through” and I wanted to say, what about me and what I’m going through!?? I’m just so angry he’s upset with me after everything I do for them. He almost made it seem like I am going to get written up for it, and I might once I get back to work tomorrow. I just don’t understand why it is such a big deal, I wasn’t rude and I was just trying to change topics since she was being so hostile.
I texted my other manager the day it happened that I’m looking for another job. They might try to raise my pay to keep me, but I don’t know if it’s worth it to stay anymore. Especially since I commute an hour.

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Chewed out over saying “anyway” on the phone—now looking for a new job.

For context I’m a pharmacy tech (22F) and have been working at this pharmacy for nearly 4 years since I was 18. This happened two days ago. I saw that a doctor sent in a medication for a child that was really expensive and we didn’t have it in stock, so I called the phone number on the prescription and the mother picked up. It’s not a common medication, and the cash price for a one month supply said over $4,000, so I wanted to call to inform the family. Me: Hey I noticed your doctor sent in a prescription for your son and I just wanted to let you know it’s really expensive and we don’t have it, would you like me to call the doctor and ask for something else? Mother: Why are you leading with the price? I was confused so I said: I’m sorry? Mom: So…

For context I’m a pharmacy tech (22F) and have been working at this pharmacy for nearly 4 years since I was 18. This happened two days ago.

I saw that a doctor sent in a medication for a child that was really expensive and we didn’t have it in stock, so I called the phone number on the prescription and the mother picked up. It’s not a common medication, and the cash price for a one month supply said over $4,000, so I wanted to call to inform the family.

Me: Hey I noticed your doctor sent in a prescription for your son and I just wanted to let you know it’s really expensive and we don’t have it, would you like me to call the doctor and ask for something else?

Mother: Why are you leading with the price?

I was confused so I said: I’m sorry?

Mom: So you’re not going to get my son’s medication ready because YOU think it’s expensive?

Me: Ma’am its $4k and not covered by insurance so I wanted to ask

Mother: So you don’t give people their meds if it’s expensive?

Me: No we can order it I just wanted your permission.

Mother: Yes he needs it, there’s nothing else we can give him. It’s just weird you decided to lead with the price instead of anything else.

Me: Okay… well anyway I’ll go ahead—

She cut me off and MOCKED me and said “AnYwAyS” back to me in a real nasty tone.
And I just continued: So we have to send a prior authorization to your doctor I’ll go ahead and do that.

Mother: Fine.

I was so angry I didn’t even say goodbye and I hung up. She calls back a minute later to complain to one of my managers, after which he calls me into the immunization room to talk. He tells me “you need to be careful what you say, she was upset and crying and her son is dying.” 1. I had no idea her son was dying, and 2. Every time I tried to explain myself he interrupted me and he said that she didn’t like that I used the word “anyway” and I need to be more careful. She felt like I was dismissing her son’s life. I didn’t even say it in a rude tone I was extremely chipper in my customer service voice. He told me “you don’t know what she’s going through” and I wanted to say, what about me and what I’m going through!?? I’m just so angry he’s upset with me after everything I do for them. He almost made it seem like I am going to get written up for it, and I might once I get back to work tomorrow. I just don’t understand why it is such a big deal, I wasn’t rude and I was just trying to change topics since she was being so hostile.
I texted my other manager the day it happened that I’m looking for another job. They might try to raise my pay to keep me, but I don’t know if it’s worth it to stay anymore. Especially since I commute an hour.

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