
Chick fil a

So it sounded alright, i recently got injured doing concrete work (been working in the industry 10 years) and im just getting older and bosses dont care about your saftey, its all about profit. Once my concrete burns healed i began applying at a few different jobs and chick fila responded and hired me. The interview was fine, lady was nice. A few days later i went to the the orientation. It was scheduled at 3pm and i walked in a few minutes early… Or so i thought. They already started the orientation,wtf. I walked over to my seat and i saw a partial uniform and a Chick-fil-A box i assumed had some food in it. She said not everyone not there full uniform and to put checks next to the items i received. I only checked the pants and the shoes and handed the paper to her. I open…

So it sounded alright, i recently got injured doing concrete work (been working in the industry 10 years) and im just getting older and bosses dont care about your saftey, its all about profit. Once my concrete burns healed i began applying at a few different jobs and chick fila responded and hired me. The interview was fine, lady was nice. A few days later i went to the the orientation. It was scheduled at 3pm and i walked in a few minutes early… Or so i thought. They already started the orientation,wtf. I walked over to my seat and i saw a partial uniform and a Chick-fil-A box i assumed had some food in it. She said not everyone not there full uniform and to put checks next to the items i received. I only checked the pants and the shoes and handed the paper to her. I open the box because i was kinda hungry, and i see the rest of my uniform! Whatever, i asked the lady for the form back so i could fix it and she was so rude about it. She ridiculed me infront of the whole group, i was like” i assumed it was food because its in a meal box”. I was like whatever. The orientation goes on and they start qouteing bible verses about the jews.. which i thought was really inappropriate. Then we had a training video whith some younger girl who looked absolutely psychotic. I dont know if i can do this… My first day is tomorrow and i may just blow it off. If i have to deal with that rude bitch everyday im outta there.

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