
Close to walking out

Tldr version of this is that I'm the only one in my department who was scheduled for today, but there's some big things that needed to get done and someone to meet with, which makes no sense as to why I'd be the only one in with management not in. So the time comes for that, the person arrives earlier, I have to deal with it, they did what they had to come for and they didn't want any sort of follow up because they know what they needed (even though I told them a follow up was needed as stated by my manager so that everything ends smoothly), so they left. Later in the day I get a panicked call from my manager saying that the person is very upset because nobody followed up with them and my manager want to know why I didn't because I was told…

Tldr version of this is that I'm the only one in my department who was scheduled for today, but there's some big things that needed to get done and someone to meet with, which makes no sense as to why I'd be the only one in with management not in.

So the time comes for that, the person arrives earlier, I have to deal with it, they did what they had to come for and they didn't want any sort of follow up because they know what they needed (even though I told them a follow up was needed as stated by my manager so that everything ends smoothly), so they left.

Later in the day I get a panicked call from my manager saying that the person is very upset because nobody followed up with them and my manager want to know why I didn't because I was told I was supposed to.

I explained that the person explicitly said they didn't need anyone to follow up. But it's my word vs theirs, and now everyone's mad at me and I know next time everyone's back, I'm getting an earful about it. I now have to trek halfway across town to track them down and resolve things.

I'm so close to just walking out, unfortunately don't have any other job lined up right now, but whatever free time I have at work now, I'm spending it looking for another job because this is ridiculous.

Oh and btw, I work min wage. I'm getting sick and tired of this bs place and am having a panic attack from this incident, I guess luckily nobody's around.

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