
Co-worker is bosses friend

I need some advice. I get paid very well and the hours of the job are very short, around 4-5 hours a day and I get paid per day, not per hour. I've been doing this job for nearly a decade, and about 2 years ago my boss brought in someone else as my co-worker. My co-worker is an absolute moron. He does everything wrong and constantly makes mistakes. He's my bosses long time friend and he's much older than me. My boss never tells him he's doing anything wrong and never disciplines him. Instead he blames me for everything wrong his friend does. I've called him out on this and he literally admitted that he knows it was the other guy but he blames me in front of him so maybe he'll hear him yell at me and figure it out that he should fix his problem. Literally gets…

I need some advice. I get paid very well and the hours of the job are very short, around 4-5 hours a day and I get paid per day, not per hour. I've been doing this job for nearly a decade, and about 2 years ago my boss brought in someone else as my co-worker. My co-worker is an absolute moron. He does everything wrong and constantly makes mistakes. He's my bosses long time friend and he's much older than me. My boss never tells him he's doing anything wrong and never disciplines him. Instead he blames me for everything wrong his friend does. I've called him out on this and he literally admitted that he knows it was the other guy but he blames me in front of him so maybe he'll hear him yell at me and figure it out that he should fix his problem. Literally gets mad at me in front of customers for things my co-worker did, knowing it wasn't me, so my co-worker hears it and fixes his problem. But my co-worker never says anything. Another point to make is that the reason I work 4-5 hours per day is because we finish depending on how hard we work. The faster we work, the earlier we finish. So I always work fast and hard. Since my co-worker started we've had slightly later days but we still finish early because I push even harder. I brought this up to my boss, that my co-worker is extremely slow, and he just says “oh well, you work fast and we finish early so it doesn't matter”. Yet we practically get paid the same. If I start going slower, we finish way later. The whole reason I like this job is because we finish so early. It's like, working slow and finish late will make a point, but it also ruins my day. If I work hard and finish early, it helps the co-worker continue to have no incentive to work harder be so lazy. It's a catch 22

To top it all off, he started on the same wage I'm on. A wage that I've worked up to, getting raises, for nearly a decade. When I said this was unfair to my boss, he said it was because my co-worker is older. Eventually he gave me a tiny insignificant raise of about $5 extra per day.

I honestly don't know what to do. I do like my job, but my co-worker has made working horrible. My boss is unfairly giving him better treatment. I live in an extremely expensive location and can't afford to quit. I guess this is more of a rant and I didn't know where to voice it. I hope I didn't put this in the wrong place…

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