
Colleague comes in sick.

So, we're 4 people, the boss, 2 colleagues and me. Boss is sick the whole week already, family of colleague 1 was also which is why he's been away for 2 days. Now he cam back yesterday and came in today. He's definetley couthing up something and talks to the boss on phone over “Yeah, it's alright, if it's getting worse I'll head back home.” Now… What should I do? I do not fucking want to get sick because they think it's nessecary to come in rather than stay at home. I got a 6 months old to keep healthy and not to bring bacteria and or viruses to at home. PS: Germany, having a sick leave isn't much of a deal here. Should I tell my boss, that I'm uncomfortable with the situation and ask to be able to leave for today?

So, we're 4 people, the boss, 2 colleagues and me.

Boss is sick the whole week already, family of colleague 1 was also which is why he's been away for 2 days. Now he cam back yesterday and came in today. He's definetley couthing up something and talks to the boss on phone over “Yeah, it's alright, if it's getting worse I'll head back home.”

Now… What should I do? I do not fucking want to get sick because they think it's nessecary to come in rather than stay at home. I got a 6 months old to keep healthy and not to bring bacteria and or viruses to at home.

PS: Germany, having a sick leave isn't much of a deal here.

Should I tell my boss, that I'm uncomfortable with the situation and ask to be able to leave for today?

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