
Commission not paid

So Friday yay! Cant wait for the bloody weekend. Upon checking my account today, I see my monthly, hard earned commission NOT THERE!!! I am in sales doing calls everyday. I have been consistently hitting my commission to earn $1500 (pre tax) every month. Last month was no different, I actually performed BETTER! But to my shock, there was no commission on my check today. I will be bringing this to my manager ASAP when I log in, but I have no idea how to corporately say “fuck you, pay me”? I feel pissed because last month i did DOUBLE the work of other employees getting paid the same. And I wonder if they got commission today……. Feeling overworked and burnt out only to get stiffed on something I earned feels like ass 🙂 Someone give advice how I can get them to pay me what the owe me!

So Friday yay! Cant wait for the bloody weekend. Upon checking my account today, I see my monthly, hard earned commission NOT THERE!!! I am in sales doing calls everyday. I have been consistently hitting my commission to earn $1500 (pre tax) every month. Last month was no different, I actually performed BETTER! But to my shock, there was no commission on my check today.

I will be bringing this to my manager ASAP when I log in, but I have no idea how to corporately say “fuck you, pay me”? I feel pissed because last month i did DOUBLE the work of other employees getting paid the same. And I wonder if they got commission today…….

Feeling overworked and burnt out only to get stiffed on something I earned feels like ass 🙂 Someone give advice how I can get them to pay me what the owe me!

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