
Companies saying “money” is not enough of a reason to work for them just want a way to exploit you without you being able to push back

It's wild to me how it has not been normalized to simply say “because I want to make money” as a legit response to “why do you want to work here?”. But then it's because if a company knows your only motivation is money, then they can't exploit you under the guise of “well if you are truly passionate about this job you will put the extra hours”. A person who is simply interested in a time for money exchange cannot be exploited. So because of this, they dumbass hustle culture was created where simply wanting to make a living is apparently not enough for a company to hire you.

It's wild to me how it has not been normalized to simply say “because I want to make money” as a legit response to “why do you want to work here?”. But then it's because if a company knows your only motivation is money, then they can't exploit you under the guise of “well if you are truly passionate about this job you will put the extra hours”. A person who is simply interested in a time for money exchange cannot be exploited. So because of this, they dumbass hustle culture was created where simply wanting to make a living is apparently not enough for a company to hire you.

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