
Company cut my assignment short

I worked at this company through a staffing agency. I worked as a medical assembler in one area that I spent 7 weeks at. I could tell at a certain point that they weren't going to let me continue and “certify”, or pass me on the machine I was already at, so I started submitted applications to different places hoping I'd hear back from someone for a different job. I knew how to do the machine job, and like any other newbie, produced some scrap, the last time I was at the machine my scrap count was 2 so I knew I was getting much better. Well, Friday I hear back from 1 company on a contingent offer and I accepted. I get a call from my staffing agency Friday night and they tell me not to show up for work today (Monday) because the client didn't want me back??…

I worked at this company through a staffing agency. I worked as a medical assembler in one area that I spent 7 weeks at. I could tell at a certain point that they weren't going to let me continue and “certify”, or pass me on the machine I was already at, so I started submitted applications to different places hoping I'd hear back from someone for a different job. I knew how to do the machine job, and like any other newbie, produced some scrap, the last time I was at the machine my scrap count was 2 so I knew I was getting much better. Well, Friday I hear back from 1 company on a contingent offer and I accepted. I get a call from my staffing agency Friday night and they tell me not to show up for work today (Monday) because the client didn't want me back??

I spent 7 weeks at the machine, unable to do anything else since the machine had a timer that I had to wait nearby to change what I needed to change. I begged the group lead and supervisor to let me do some kind of work on the downtime that I had waiting for the timer. They refused, saying I had to focus on improving at my current machine. The very last conversation I had with the supervisor was something like “most people take at most 4 weeks to learn this” I wanna smack somebody back to reality, because I did learn the machine, they just wanted 100% perfection..

All in all, the timing was good, but still, to be let go from their side because I was “learning too slow?” Dumbasses, seriously dumb..

The pay was too low for the kind of work we did anyway. Medical assembly, devices that would be going into the human body.. They are the kind of company I read about in this thread, and a friend who works there can affirm

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