
company does production pay, but no clauses if equiptment breaks and can’t finish that we get paid for that day

I was a pressure washer in SWFL at this one company who switched everyone from hourly to a production base pay where the workers get a percentage of the job. Sounds like a sick deal? No. There are no protective clauses that in the event you have equiptment failures not caused by you or otherwise negligence, that you'll be compensated for the day. I was let go from my previous company for exposing that fact, and I had a phone interview with another company that does production pay. I bought up my concerns about no protective clauses with my old company and if this company had those, they said no and that it would only be to union jobs. I asked if it was fair for a man to lose on work to circumstances that were out of his control. (Worker doesn't own the equiptment, just takes care of it)…

I was a pressure washer in SWFL at this one company who switched everyone from hourly to a production base pay where the workers get a percentage of the job. Sounds like a sick deal? No. There are no protective clauses that in the event you have equiptment failures not caused by you or otherwise negligence, that you'll be compensated for the day. I was let go from my previous company for exposing that fact, and I had a phone interview with another company that does production pay.

I bought up my concerns about no protective clauses with my old company and if this company had those, they said no and that it would only be to union jobs. I asked if it was fair for a man to lose on work to circumstances that were out of his control. (Worker doesn't own the equiptment, just takes care of it) he started getting nervously silent.

(In context, my mom was in the post office for 15 years. Mail routes are assigned a value and a rough estimate on when they should be completed. If you get it done early, theres bonuses and you go home early but if you slacked you had to finish the route. She said in the event the mail truck broke down, you went on the clock until repairs were made.)

I asked if they maintained their eqiuiptment on a regular basis to minimize equiptment failures. As soon as that came up and I told him I was interested and maybe I could see the equiptment he use he said the classic “I think I'm going to move forward on the hiring process and give you a call back”.

I don't get it, why do companies openly try to gyp and then shut down as soon as you call out their shit? I told him I was open to even a lower hourly wage but I didn't like the instability of production (considering no protective clauses) to which he still shut down. I'm 22 year old and pay my own bills and flat, I don't need that instability in my life.

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