
Company “holidays” are some of the dumbest things I’ve ever experienced

My company “celebrates” Corporate Compliance Week and gives out “compliance-themed swag.” Literally why would anyone want a shirt or something with company compliance on it? How out of touch can you be? Then they have spirit day where we're supposed to wear company colors for “company spirit.” Like, it's not a sports team. It's a small company that offers very boring consulting services. There's no rivalry or anything with another company. What is there to celebrate? And then you get pressured to participate in this nonsense. My brain really can't comprehend how stupid this shit is. If you're aiming to reward your employees, why not actually give them stuff they want or need? Oh wait, it's so you can pretend to give them gifts while actually advertising for your company. No wonder turnover is high. Does your company have lame “holidays” you're forced to participate in? Tell me more. Edit:…

My company “celebrates” Corporate Compliance Week and gives out “compliance-themed swag.” Literally why would anyone want a shirt or something with company compliance on it? How out of touch can you be?

Then they have spirit day where we're supposed to wear company colors for “company spirit.” Like, it's not a sports team. It's a small company that offers very boring consulting services. There's no rivalry or anything with another company. What is there to celebrate?

And then you get pressured to participate in this nonsense. My brain really can't comprehend how stupid this shit is.

If you're aiming to reward your employees, why not actually give them stuff they want or need? Oh wait, it's so you can pretend to give them gifts while actually advertising for your company.

No wonder turnover is high.

Does your company have lame “holidays” you're forced to participate in? Tell me more.

Edit: To be fair, the Christmas event they do is actually nice. And some of the monthly activities are better. But the ones I referenced above are just straight up idiotic and I don't get how anyone could think they're a good idea.

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