
Company kept packing on more work for me to do and my job is becoming inherently unstable…

I originally handled a group of tasks that made my job tolerable. I had a coworker around my age which made it enjoyable to speak to someone of my age group. They fired her and basically just gave me all of her work to do. Then, decided to add another department onto my list of jobs to do, all for the same salary from the beginning. I just started working for this company just two months ago and just recently, it has been on fire for everyone in the company because how overworked and understaffed we are. I have emails a month ago that I still haven’t gotten to and it’s still piling up with no end in sight. My boss thinks it’s because of a communication issue, but it’s not. I’m one guy doing three jobs. I keep thinking that $22/hour and health benefits is worth the pain and…

I originally handled a group of tasks that made my job tolerable. I had a coworker around my age which made it enjoyable to speak to someone of my age group. They fired her and basically just gave me all of her work to do. Then, decided to add another department onto my list of jobs to do, all for the same salary from the beginning.
I just started working for this company just two months ago and just recently, it has been on fire for everyone in the company because how overworked and understaffed we are. I have emails a month ago that I still haven’t gotten to and it’s still piling up with no end in sight. My boss thinks it’s because of a communication issue, but it’s not. I’m one guy doing three jobs. I keep thinking that $22/hour and health benefits is worth the pain and if I quit, that’s just one less paycheck per week for myself and I wouldn’t be able to have Medicaid or unemployment benefits if I just quit. My boss has a “Do it, or you may be fired” attitude. I showed up 3 minutes late and he was outside making threats about sending me home as a first verbal warning.
The worst part is that I don’t even know how to manage the 3rd department which is being managed by a Psycho who keeps telling me stories about his past with physical assaults and jail time… I can’t even communicate with him without receiving a convoluted response or worried about setting him off into a blind rage. His job stresses him out to a point of breaking and sharing these violent stories make him gleeful… he even made a joke toward me about not seeing certain movies: “If you weren’t handicap, I would beat the shit out of you.” What. The. F***.
I’m thinking of just being late on purpose as the least likely way for these psychos to do something unhinged while giving me a chance to collect my stuff from my office and to get me fired. I could also take a photo of my hours to record my past salary if they decided to not send it to me…

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