
Company late on the initial phone call

I had received an email for a job posting on Indeed because after I accepted a position back in April, I left it on but to where only I can send my resume to places. I wasn't 100% about the current place but I was told they changed the position from customer service to inside sales because of the types of candidates they were getting. Anyhow, one day last week I saw a job posting for a position that better suits me. I sent my resume and after a day I received an email about setting up a day/time. I selected today at 7am for a call that would last 7-7:45am. I figured I'd be in the car so why not. The person didn't call until 10 minutes later citing a couple of different reasons why they couldn't call at the exact time. My question is…who would have waited and…

I had received an email for a job posting on Indeed because after I accepted a position back in April, I left it on but to where only I can send my resume to places. I wasn't 100% about the current place but I was told they changed the position from customer service to inside sales because of the types of candidates they were getting.

Anyhow, one day last week I saw a job posting for a position that better suits me. I sent my resume and after a day I received an email about setting up a day/time. I selected today at 7am for a call that would last 7-7:45am. I figured I'd be in the car so why not. The person didn't call until 10 minutes later citing a couple of different reasons why they couldn't call at the exact time.

My question is…who would have waited and who would have NOT taken the call when it came in? I know our time is valuable and we shouldn't be jerked around. If this job pays more and has better benefits, does them not calling at the specified time but within the time frame make a difference? My time needs to be respected, their time should be respected but ultimately we're the ones who hold many of the cards in this instance. I'm curious what some of your responses would be.

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