
Company says they have no money for a raise!

So, I’ve been working my whole ass off since forever (4 years of me working), I’m 21 now. I’m in a job that takes an immense level of emotional and mental capacity. I work with disabled university students of any age. I have disabled family myself. I’m not trying to write this the wrong way but my job is extremely draining, and I’m basically used as a punching bag as I’m the first point of contact in office. Recently (March/April) we’ve let go of one of my team members, then there were four. We only rehired a replacement a week ago. This whole time me and one of my other colleagues on my team had to take on that fired persons work as management shifted around my team’s responsibilities where two of the four were given “more serious” duties, basically just dealing with stock. My boyfriend and family have seen…

So, I’ve been working my whole ass off since forever (4 years of me working), I’m 21 now. I’m in a job that takes an immense level of emotional and mental capacity. I work with disabled university students of any age. I have disabled family myself. I’m not trying to write this the wrong way but my job is extremely draining, and I’m basically used as a punching bag as I’m the first point of contact in office. Recently (March/April) we’ve let go of one of my team members, then there were four. We only rehired a replacement a week ago. This whole time me and one of my other colleagues on my team had to take on that fired persons work as management shifted around my team’s responsibilities where two of the four were given “more serious” duties, basically just dealing with stock. My boyfriend and family have seen how this job drains mentally, physically and emotionally. It stresses me out to the max dealing with entitled people all day, especially parents who don’t understand how our business works or care to look us up on Google. So last month, I decided to ask for a raise. We’re understaffed and overworked, I thought it was normal to ask for a pay raise at this time. Turns out, my manager went on a verbal diarrhea rant, beating around the bush, on how the company doesn’t have enough money for any pay raises for anybody. Saying in every way possible BUT the direct way which I thought was funny. Reason being we’ve just bought a new office and can’t afford more expenses. We serve the whole of the north and south part of England, Scotland and Ireland, how does the company not have enough money? Our bosses drive Audis with heated seats and get to come to work whenever and the rest of us can barely afford to live. I started looking for a job even before my manager told me no pay raise. I still can’t seem to find a decent paying job with all my experience. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong. I just want to quit work and get back into my hobbies which I lost when I started this job! But that doesn’t have a steady income to support rent or bills sadly. London seems like such a bad place to find a job because either graduates or PhD havers are preferable. I’m still going on looking for a job though. I’m miserable Af.

Edit: I started actually working for the wage I’m paid and all of a sudden I’m in a meeting with HR saying my performance is lacking compared to before. I chalked it up just having to do too much but not telling them directly I’m working for my salary. Figures!

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