
Completely fucked

I was fired from my job two months ago. I started looking for work a couple months before i got fired. Nothing planned out. I put all my effort into finding another job while managing what bills i had with my last check and my PTO payout. My job hunt has turned up nothing. I've got over 40 pending apps on Indeed, no one has responded with anything but rejection letters. The one interview that i did get that went well is waiting on a background check. That was 3 weeks ago. They're still waiting for my background check as of this week. Temp agencies have turned up nothing for me. The contracts I've been offered are either too far away or they don't want me. I've got a friend who can put me to work but he doesn't have any jobs for at least two more weeks. I filed…

I was fired from my job two months ago. I started looking for work a couple months before i got fired. Nothing planned out. I put all my effort into finding another job while managing what bills i had with my last check and my PTO payout.

My job hunt has turned up nothing. I've got over 40 pending apps on Indeed, no one has responded with anything but rejection letters. The one interview that i did get that went well is waiting on a background check. That was 3 weeks ago. They're still waiting for my background check as of this week.

Temp agencies have turned up nothing for me. The contracts I've been offered are either too far away or they don't want me. I've got a friend who can put me to work but he doesn't have any jobs for at least two more weeks. I filed my tax return and my refund still hadn't been approved. Not sure when I'll get that (it's only $400, and i already have that spent). Unemployment is no better, the company has been fighting my claim and doesn't want to pay out, they said i quit but over the phone they told me i was fired.

My phone bill is due in a couple of days, and then my service goes out. Further prohibiting me from contacting employers. My gf car has a loan against it and her parents are insisting she make the payment or they're gonna take it (it's our only functional, barely legal mode of transportation). The state inspection expired as of this month. Not even sure that it would pass inspection without getting some work done to it.

I need at least $300 immediately to cover the payment and my phone bill and hope that something with work pans out so we can get it inspected before i get a fine i can't pay. If I do get a fine, i got 10 days to pay that or they issue a warrant.

Oh yeah.. and I'm literally starving. I've already lost about 20 lbs since I lost my job, we've been living off of ramen noodles and some canned foods. Dad helps where he can but hes retired in a fixed income and can't really help. No one else is even entertaining the idea of helping us, not with money, not with work and not with food.

We are completely fucked, she wants to give up. Her tears are the only thing driving me. I'm under so much pressure to make money now and idk what to do.

Was hoping maybe someone could give me ideas for how to come up with money. I don't really have anything to sell (I've already sold everything of value) and excluding my friend putting me to work or a temp agency contacting me with a job; i got nothing. All my options are to wait but unfortunately, I'm out of time.

TLDR; I'm broke, out of work, out of money, out of time and virtually out of options. Idk what to do and we're ready to just give up.

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