
Condescending Coworker

First of all, I'm not sure if I am allowed to post here. If not, please delete and let me know where it is apppopriate to post this as I am quite new to the Reddit world. I have to work with the most hated person in the office. We'll her KAREN. Nobody wants to work with her on any projects and now I understand why, First, KARENis very lazy and has an excuse in every single email. Second, KARENhas excusees for her laziness. Third, every email contains an insult or condescending remark against me saying such things that I never provided her with this or that when I clearly did. We use an online program for projects all details and files are in there. Yes, KAREN plays the victim all the time and says she never got anything from me. Every time I add something, KAREN receives the notifications.…

First of all, I'm not sure if I am allowed to post here. If not, please delete and let me know where it is apppopriate to post this as I am quite new to the Reddit world.

I have to work with the most hated person in the office. We'll her KAREN. Nobody wants to work with her on any projects and now I understand why,

First, KARENis very lazy and has an excuse in every single email.

Second, KARENhas excusees for her laziness.

Third, every email contains an insult or condescending remark against me saying such things that I never provided her with this or that when I clearly did. We use an online program for projects all details and files are in there. Yes, KAREN plays the victim all the time and says she never got anything from me. Every time I add something, KAREN receives the notifications. She chooses to ignore notifications and poiint the blame at me for everything.

Everything I do is compared negatively to the previous person that tried to work with her. The previous person warned me about this lazy slob and hates her 10x more than I do, if that is even possible. KAREN will say stuff like “X never asked me for this info before.” or “We never had to provide this before.” Sorry, I'm a different person and YES, the previous person asked you for the same stuff but you were too dumb and lazy to provide it in a timely manner so “X” went around her and got it done on time.

How do I put this person in her place or better yet, get her FIRED!

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