
Congress is Literally High

The addicted Congressmen may have forgotten the proletariat is the subject of history, but I haven't. My poor mom died a worker and they live it up pretending this recession isn't murder on the poor. Interest rates are not alive. A percentage increase this way or that will never equate to living beings. Speaking of them. Those bitches in Congress are on so much dope they'd blow up the White House if they lit a cigarette. I'd know. Vyvanse, Adderall, anti-depressants, Valium. The drugs were always name brand in FEP records. Can't have generic. But they were universal. The people showing up to our Congressional occasions are high, as a rule, not as an exception.

The addicted Congressmen may have forgotten the proletariat is the subject of history, but I haven't. My poor mom died a worker and they live it up pretending this recession isn't murder on the poor.

Interest rates are not alive. A percentage increase this way or that will never equate to living beings.

Speaking of them.

Those bitches in Congress are on so much dope they'd blow up the White House if they lit a cigarette. I'd know.

Vyvanse, Adderall, anti-depressants, Valium. The drugs were always name brand in FEP records. Can't have generic. But they were universal. The people showing up to our Congressional occasions are high, as a rule, not as an exception.

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