
Contract employer wants me to work for free

Am I wrong for thinking this is crazy? Sorry it’s kinda long. TLDR; Company wants me to work for free to make up for the difference in hours after they ignored all my communication efforts so that I could gain the capability to actually work. I signed a contract a few weeks ago to work a certain amount of hours per week for a remote job. Upon signing the contract, the manager told me they would send me a list of tasks to accomplish within the week and then from there I could determine what further work needed to be done for the following weeks. After the week passed of waiting for their task list, I followed up asking for the list of tasks to which I received no response. I followed up again two days later still with no response. I contacted another manager in the same department asking…

Am I wrong for thinking this is crazy? Sorry it’s kinda long.

TLDR; Company wants me to work for free to make up for the difference in hours after they ignored all my communication efforts so that I could gain the capability to actually work.

I signed a contract a few weeks ago to work a certain amount of hours per week for a remote job. Upon signing the contract, the manager told me they would send me a list of tasks to accomplish within the week and then from there I could determine what further work needed to be done for the following weeks.

After the week passed of waiting for their task list, I followed up asking for the list of tasks to which I received no response. I followed up again two days later still with no response.

I contacted another manager in the same department asking for the list of tasks and they said they would get it to me by the end of that week. Now two weeks have passed at this point.

After not receiving the list at the end of that week I follow up again. To which I get no response. (Keep in mind I was sent smaller tasks during this time that I completed in a timely manner, but nowhere near the amount of work I was waiting for)

After getting no responses I demanded a meeting with the manager who hired me and the other manager. The hiring manager did not attend this meeting.

After finally meeting with them and forcing them to give me a working task list, the hiring manager said they feel like they paid me for nothing for the last few weeks and that I should work for free to make up for the difference.

I feel like this is not on me as I attempted to work but simply did not have the capability. It’s not my fault that they chose to ignore my communications. I am a very hard worker and by no means was I trying to get paid for nothing. I just feel like I shouldn’t have to miss income because they chose to not do their part of this arrangement.

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