
Corporate America never ceases to amaze me..

Hi all, I just needed a second to vent here. My company is such a joke. Recently we had layoffs because of course in this capitalist society god forbid we pretended to care about the workers and less about lining the pockets of Wall Street fat cats. Anyway, my department had two bosses, the top boss is surprise surprise a white male who plays golf, smoke cigars and travels to exotic locations (as a single male going to Thailand once a year seems suspect to me) and the second in command is a non binary who supports their severe acne ridden son who is unable to work due to social anxiety and vertigo. Well when the layoffs came through last week the top boss was away on another one his many excursions and left the second in command to take part in the layoffs. After they were down with what…

Hi all, I just needed a second to vent here. My company is such a joke. Recently we had layoffs because of course in this capitalist society god forbid we pretended to care about the workers and less about lining the pockets of Wall Street fat cats. Anyway, my department had two bosses, the top boss is surprise surprise a white male who plays golf, smoke cigars and travels to exotic locations (as a single male going to Thailand once a year seems suspect to me) and the second in command is a non binary who supports their severe acne ridden son who is unable to work due to social anxiety and vertigo. Well when the layoffs came through last week the top boss was away on another one his many excursions and left the second in command to take part in the layoffs. After they were down with what I can imagine is a mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausting process of having to let go of numerous colleagues the top boss returns and immediately lays off the number two. I have to assume there is some implicit bias in why they were let go but even if not the entire situation makes me question why we aren’t doing what the French do. We need to finally destroy the wheel and end this inherent racist, sexist, and ableist society and revolt against capitalism. I was spared from layoffs this time around but I will be quitting this Pep Boys shortly as I can not put up with this shit anymore.

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