
Corporate culture is killing me

I work for a unnamed it company. Its a shit place to work to be frank. We all are underpaid and most were lied to about what they were signing up for. We have people who signed up to do teir 1 support being thrusted into project management after 2 months on the job, people qho were supposed to be tier 2 support doing sysadmin and onboarding, and to top it all off job stability is non existent because the vp makes decisions by throwing darts at a dart board and because of it we have been sued repeatedly resulting in massive firings (for example my position which services all our clients is supposed to have 32 people, 3 managers, and a division lead. We currently have 3 people and 3 managers, and the division lead. We also fired a bunch of peoplw who worked at customers locations which broke…

I work for a unnamed it company. Its a shit place to work to be frank. We all are underpaid and most were lied to about what they were signing up for. We have people who signed up to do teir 1 support being thrusted into project management after 2 months on the job, people qho were supposed to be tier 2 support doing sysadmin and onboarding, and to top it all off job stability is non existent because the vp makes decisions by throwing darts at a dart board and because of it we have been sued repeatedly resulting in massive firings (for example my position which services all our clients is supposed to have 32 people, 3 managers, and a division lead. We currently have 3 people and 3 managers, and the division lead. We also fired a bunch of peoplw who worked at customers locations which broke contracts which lead to a spiral) all the while executives continue to live high off the hog doing bizzare changes to the office and getting rid of work areas to install things like vr golf courses and a brewery.

I hate it and plan to get out. However today something new was dropped on us. So we service companies around the world and have 3 shifts. Pretty simple right? Welp because support “doesnt make money” they are cutting all support shifts in half. Additionally any mention in any correspondence, internal or external, of another team or of another shift is grounds for instant firing. It was implemented today so idk how real that threat is but between that and the “never say no and no correct anyone” bs we got going on my companys culture is driving me batty.

Thanks for attending my vent.

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