
Corporate just keeps f@#cking us.

I work in a restaurant where it’s going to be hard to find another where I make the same money. We typically do somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 million a year. We used to charge servers the cost of the credit card transaction fee to process their tips but ended up adding a convenience fee of 3% for each credit card transaction. They eventually changed the name to staff benefits, that’s harder to argue over. Servers were no longer charged for credit card tips. We had an event during season that had $215k minimum. On top of that minimum was a 24% gratuity. The guests were only capable of spending $115k. So $100k was pure profit. Company then claimed that the tips generated on the $100k were not entitled to the staff so that went back to the owners pocket. Those tips were still paid by guest. After the…

I work in a restaurant where it’s going to be hard to find another where I make the same money. We typically do somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 million a year.

We used to charge servers the cost of the credit card transaction fee to process their tips but ended up adding a convenience fee of 3% for each credit card transaction. They eventually changed the name to staff benefits, that’s harder to argue over. Servers were no longer charged for credit card tips.

We had an event during season that had $215k minimum. On top of that minimum was a 24% gratuity. The guests were only capable of spending $115k. So $100k was pure profit.

Company then claimed that the tips generated on the $100k were not entitled to the staff so that went back to the owners pocket. Those tips were still paid by guest.

After the slowest summer in Arizona the company decided to announce that we are back to business as usual and it’s time again to start charging servers for the 3% credit card transaction fee.

I have no say in how my guest pays. How do you I have any faith in a company that doesn’t seem to value its employees? Just a rant and anon profile.

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