
Could I lose my job?

The state of Pennsylvania may be raising their minimum wage. We've had trouble hiring in my dept (I'm not totally sure why because the wages are fine for how easy and fun the job is); we should be a 3 full time, 2 part time crew. We have 2 full + 1 part timers. My boss has been very open with me that they strictly cannot raise the wages in my dept… But they will have to because of the law (if I'm understanding it correctly). By 2026, minimum wage will be $15 per hour. So the question is, will they be making us do 2 jobs (like they already are due to short staffing) and raise our hourly wage by $1? Or will they just straight up not hire someone to fill the position or fire someone? I'm not getting worked up over anything, especially if the minimum wage…

The state of Pennsylvania may be raising their minimum wage. We've had trouble hiring in my dept (I'm not totally sure why because the wages are fine for how easy and fun the job is); we should be a 3 full time, 2 part time crew. We have 2 full + 1 part timers. My boss has been very open with me that they strictly cannot raise the wages in my dept… But they will have to because of the law (if I'm understanding it correctly). By 2026, minimum wage will be $15 per hour.

So the question is, will they be making us do 2 jobs (like they already are due to short staffing) and raise our hourly wage by $1? Or will they just straight up not hire someone to fill the position or fire someone?

I'm not getting worked up over anything, especially if the minimum wage is going to be raised so high so quickly… I'll have to figure out how to work in food service or something that isn't soul-crushing.

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