
Could my girlfriend sue her job?

My(30) girlfriend(29) works for Walmart. She has for almost a decade despite her saying they’ve had her close to wanting to kill herself because of the amount of abuse her managers put her through. She keeps telling me stories about how her supervisors single her out, people seem to use her as a scapegoat even though she’s productive, and she said that her manager had tampered with her schedule in a way that it makes it hard for her to work her part time job. She said that she’s approaching her 10 year mark, and is now paranoid that they’re trying to fire her before the big 10 because she’s supposedly getting a raise for her time with the company. She’s convinced they’ll try to fire her before she can even use the company’s benefit of getting financial assistance for school, and she’ll drop out mid-semester cause she’ll no longer…

My(30) girlfriend(29) works for Walmart. She has for almost a decade despite her saying they’ve had her close to wanting to kill herself because of the amount of abuse her managers put her through. She keeps telling me stories about how her supervisors single her out, people seem to use her as a scapegoat even though she’s productive, and she said that her manager had tampered with her schedule in a way that it makes it hard for her to work her part time job.

She said that she’s approaching her 10 year mark, and is now paranoid that they’re trying to fire her before the big 10 because she’s supposedly getting a raise for her time with the company. She’s convinced they’ll try to fire her before she can even use the company’s benefit of getting financial assistance for school, and she’ll drop out mid-semester cause she’ll no longer be an employee.

IS this grounds for her to seek legal action, if she’s convinced she’s being targeted for workplace harassment?

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