
Countries that have a humane economic system and takes care of their people?

I am so sick of capitalism. I want to move out of the U.S.A. The American dream seems to be anything but a dream. It seems to be a nightmare tied in with manipulation tactics to remind citizens that they need to be grateful for what they got because others have it worse, even though some of us barely have anything as far as financial security. It makes me appalled and disgusted that there are a lot of people who think that making/having money is worth more than human decency and wellbeing. Anyways, I need a new country where I can be guaranteed basic necessities if I work at least part time. And even if people actually choose not to work even though they are able to like some people lie about to justify exploitation of poor people, we still deserve basic necessities like food, safe housing, healthcare,clothes,etc. The excuses…

I am so sick of capitalism. I want to move out of the U.S.A. The American dream seems to be anything but a dream. It seems to be a nightmare tied in with manipulation tactics to remind citizens that they need to be grateful for what they got because others have it worse, even though some of us barely have anything as far as financial security. It makes me appalled and disgusted that there are a lot of people who think that making/having money is worth more than human decency and wellbeing. Anyways, I need a new country where I can be guaranteed basic necessities if I work at least part time. And even if people actually choose not to work even though they are able to like some people lie about to justify exploitation of poor people, we still deserve basic necessities like food, safe housing, healthcare,clothes,etc. The excuses made to keep capitalism in place are pathetic. Anyways, can everyone list countries with a livable minimum wage, universal healthcare, guaranteed right to basic necessities? Even though I am autistic, mentally ill, and slow, I do want to work hard and contribute to society. There is a difference between good work ethic v.s. romanticizing being overworked and tying job title and “productivity” to self-worth. People should be able to make a livable wage without going to college or pursuing higher education. College isn’t doable for everyone usually because of time and money, plus a lot of people change their minds once they get their degree and start a new career anyways. “thank you for coming to my Ted Talk”!

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