
Passive aggressive bitches at work

So I’m a grad student which requires a 16 hour a week internship (usually unpaid, mine sure fucking is). I’ve had a lot of gripes w this work environment but mainly the thing I wanted to come here and complain ab is the lunchroom environment. I guess their work culture deems it that you must socialize in the lunchroom and sit in there for a fucking hour. In the lunchroom honestly I bring my laptop and either watch YouTube videos or videos I need to watch for class and do my own thing. The other day I was asking someone a question in my cubicle (so they couldn’t see my face) and they asked who I was. I came out and was joking about no one knowing me and this other woman is like “well you’re always in the lunchroom with your headphones in” in a super passive aggressive tone.…

So I’m a grad student which requires a 16 hour a week internship (usually unpaid, mine sure fucking is). I’ve had a lot of gripes w this work environment but mainly the thing I wanted to come here and complain ab is the lunchroom environment. I guess their work culture deems it that you must socialize in the lunchroom and sit in there for a fucking hour. In the lunchroom honestly I bring my laptop and either watch YouTube videos or videos I need to watch for class and do my own thing. The other day I was asking someone a question in my cubicle (so they couldn’t see my face) and they asked who I was. I came out and was joking about no one knowing me and this other woman is like “well you’re always in the lunchroom with your headphones in” in a super passive aggressive tone. Like first of all I can do whatever I want during my lunchtime and don’t owe anyone here shit, and two why the fuck do you care what an intern does? I don’t need to kiss ass and make friends, I don’t get paid to be there and I’m done in 3 weeks

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