
Coworker called me a “nasty girl” when I told him my candy bowl wasn’t a trashcan

Reposted here since my last post got locked on another subreddit. So have a bowl of candy on my desk that I leave out for my coworkers. Nothing too fancy, just some peppermint buttermints to freshen up our breaths. Today, I had an older gentleman(70's) that came up to my desk to hand in his work. While I was checking it, he went for the mints. He took a mint, unwrapped it, and (to my horror) threw the wrapper back into my bowl. I stopped what I was doing and told him to take the wrapper out and that the bowl was not for trash but only for candy. He proceeds to take the wrapper out and HANDS me the wrapper. And the following conversation goes: “I'm not going to throw away your wrapper for you.” “You need to be nicer. You are a nasty girl with a bad attitude.…

Reposted here since my last post got locked on another subreddit.

So have a bowl of candy on my desk that I leave out for my coworkers. Nothing too fancy, just some peppermint buttermints to freshen up our breaths.

Today, I had an older gentleman(70's) that came up to my desk to hand in his work. While I was checking it, he went for the mints. He took a mint, unwrapped it, and (to my horror) threw the wrapper back into my bowl.

I stopped what I was doing and told him to take the wrapper out and that the bowl was not for trash but only for candy.
He proceeds to take the wrapper out and HANDS me the wrapper.

And the following conversation goes:

“I'm not going to throw away your wrapper for you.”

“You need to be nicer. You are a nasty girl with a bad attitude. Just watch, I'm going to throw my trash in there when you're not here.”

And then he just walks off.

I mean…I haven't been called a nasty girl in a long time and not in a place of work. But oh man, I was completely speechless.

But anyways, I'm taking my bowl back. And I'm not giving out mints until he apologizes. Because of him alone, everyone now will have rancid breath but me.

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